
Every gull is different, so it’s hard to define exactly what a gull is... so here is a few things that if they describe you, means you’re probably NOT a gull

- You pay for your own drinks
- You don’t know what your friends look like naked
- You don’t have a cool nick name
- You’re not wearing a bra

- You and your boyfriend wear promise rings

- You’ve never driven to FL for SB
- You’re thinking “What’s SB?"
- People can hear you chewing
- You’ve never tried to speak whale

- You don’t want to be BFF with Ross Mathews
- You don’t know who Ross Mathews is

- You “forgot” to brush your teeth this morning
- Y0u c@n’t r3@d th1$/ typ3 lyk3 th1$
- You like when guys wear bow ties
- You shave your legs every single day 

- You don’t like Chipotle

- You got too nervous and hung up
- You’re wearing regular underwear 
- You can’t quote Mean Girls
- Your boyfriend is wearing jorts
- You don’t black out at least twice a week
- You black out more than three times a week
- and the biggest indicator you’re not a gull; you’re a big dull dud